QR Queens by Paul Fowler
QR Queens by Paul Fowler
Move your card magic into the digital era and perform incredible tricks with a borrowed phone!
QR Queens is a set of specially designed playing card gimmicks with a unique secret, enhancing your card magic with a modern, digital twist for a truly memorable experience. You’ll feel like a secret agent with these gimmicks, cleverly concealed from your audience. With just a borrowed phone and a deck of cards you can perform effortless digital magic without the need for any special apps.
Custom designed and printed on USPCC red rider backs, the QR Queen gimmicks, when scanned on a mobile phone, will display the real Google Images page of a chosen playing card.
4 gimmicks, 4 reveals!
And yes… QR Queens works on both iPhone and Android.
Here’s what happens:
- Have a card selected, remembered, and lost in the deck.
- Pull out a queen from the deck, shake it, and let the spectator see a QR code appear visually on the card.
- They can scan the QR code with their phone, which will lead them to the real Google Images page of their chosen card.
- Put a new spin on the classics including Chicago Opener/Red Hot Mama, The Magician in trouble plot and more.
Everything is explained in detail, with multiple routine ideas and an in-depth discussion on best practices for scanning QR codes.
Get behind the lens and fuse traditional card magic with mobile phone technology.
- 4 QR Queen gimmicks
- Instructions