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Isolation by Michael Murray

79.99 Including tax

Isolation is far more than a singular routine. Instead, it is an entire collection of thoughts, techniques and principles that will allow you to identify a card that someone is merely thinking of. Best of all, the systems taught within this book are entirely modular and can be customized and tailored to suit the performer.

Available to order between 01, August 2024 and 02, August 2024.
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Isolation by Michael Murray

Isolation by Michael Murray



Isolation is far more than a singular routine. Instead, it is an entire collection of thoughts, techniques and principles that will allow you to identify a card that someone is merely thinking of. Best of all, the systems taught within this book are entirely modular and can be customized and tailored to suit the performer.

Whilst many performers marveled over my CUP’s technique (which allows you to discern which word, or group of words someone may be focusing on), the principles outlined within this book take this to the next level. This allows us to identify up to sixteen different pieces of information just by having a spectator visualize it in their mind. Isabella Star 3 owners will certainly be able to put these techniques to great use!


Each of the Isolation systems contained within this book can be performed entirely prop-less, allowing you to reveal the name of a thought-of card in person, via Skype or even over a telephone call. However, just because something can be performed entirely prop-less (i.e. using nothing more than words) doesn’t mean that you have to perform it that way. For this reason, I have also included several suggestions for those who wish to make use of a physical deck alongside the Isolation system.


Included within the package is the Isolation book (which has been beautifully produced by Haresign Press).

You will also receive the following:

  • One set of custom printed gimmicks which will allow you to perform a ‘Thought-of Card’ to wallet routine.
  • One set of custom printed gimmicks presenting you with an alternative approach to one of the steps within the Isolation system.
  • One ‘Old English Penny’ for the ‘Which Hand Variant.’
  • Access to dozens of online videos that are designed as a teaching aid for owners (this footage does not explain any of the ideas but is simply performance-only so that you can follow along with the techniques in your own mind.
  • Access to the dedicated Facebook group, which has been pre-updated with several bonus thoughts and ideas. These have been collated from various performers since going to print.
  • Access to an online test, which will give you a favor of the Isolation experience before you learn any of the methods. (Whilst this can’t replicate a live performance, it should give you an indication as to how direct Isolation can be).

An extract from a private message I received out of the blue regarding Isolation:

“Hi mate, hope you’re well. I have just been video chatting with a mutual friend Mick Wilson, he just performed your upcoming effect Isolation on me… well I’m not sure where to start, it absolutely blew me away. I have had lots of mind reading effects done on me over video chat but this one literally took my breath away, it seemed so clean and fair that I had nowhere to go or back track. If it can have this effect on someone who’s not even in the same room, I can’t imagine how a spectator will feel when it’s performed face to face. You have come up with something that seems so fair and actually feels like real mind reading. Sir you are a genius. I will definitely be wanting a copy of this when it’s released. Well done mate and I wish you the best of luck with this project, actually you’re not going to need any luck at all with this because you have got an absolute winner waiting to be unleashed.”


This product is designed for an English-speaking audience. Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish variants are planned for the future.

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Weight890 g

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