Reel Magic Quarterly – Episode 1 (Paul Harris)
Reel Magic Quarterly – Episode 1 (Paul Harris)
Paul Harris talks impromptu about
- technology mastery and astonishment
“Try This At Home” with Garrett Thomas
- this episode Garrett looks at the fake take
“Off The Shelf” features John Lovick’s new hundred dollar bill switch book “Switched”
Andrew Pinard’s Continuum a look at those who influence magic from the past, the present, and the future – this installment is
- Harry Lorayne on Memory and Magic
Tricks Of The Trade with David Regal – a hilarious look at four effects that are new on the market
“Choice Cuts”’s Wayne Kawamoto looks at the world of DVD’s
Plus bonus material, performances, and explanations
- John Lovick’s $100 bill switch
- Dan Tongs Chop Cup routine
- Potassys bill to potato
Running Time Approximately 120min